Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Now I've got some pictures on!!

I got my first 5 pictures on today. These are just a few of my starter ones, i have got more but I didn't want to bombard the whole page with all my pictures. Also, not all of them are that good, so I just put on a few of my favourite.
1: Green Bug. This is a very old photo, I took whilst in school. I have always loved it, but I wish i could just get more focused on the bug, withouth losing the rest of the picture. If you know how, please help!!
2: Rose Petal. Although this isn't an amazing photo, I do love my rose, because I only get one every year on my bush outside my kitchen and I love looking at it whilst wasking up and listening to music!!
3: Water Leaf. This, I think, is my favourite photo of them all. Due to the rain, the droplets have landed lovely on the leaf and when I took the photo I was hoping for the exact effect that I got!
4: Water Plant. This is also a good rain picture, because, again, the droplets have made a lovely effect on the plant. i like it because it isn't just one leaf, it is part of a plant, which is nice.
5: Good Luck. This is a lovely photo and the way there is only one drop of water  on the clover, is spectacular. I can't remember actually taking this photo, so when I came accross it in my folders, I was surprised at my work. It is beautiful!!
Please comment if you like any of my photo's and also if you don't like them and why. I love to get constructive critisim, so I can make my work better!

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