Saturday, 3 September 2011

More Photo's on!

I have put two more photo's on!! These two I have edited using Picnik (you can search this and use it yourself, it is really good and you can edit any of your photo's and it even helps you share them on facebook or photobucket etc.) I like to edit some photo's just to see if it makes tham look nicer, but sometimes editing makes it look worse, like over editing! I hate over edited photo's, because they look much nicer when you haven't edited them as much! But anyway, what I think...
6: Red Leaves: I like this one, because I just love the red leaves. It is a very busy photo, I prefer to have one main focus in a photo, but this has lots of leaves in it. The water gives it a very good effect as well!
7: Sheep Tree: I wasn't sure about this one, it looks a bit yellow after I edited it, but then i wasn't sure whether it suited it or not. I like the way the tree is all on it's own and the way the sheep are positioned underneath the tree. It really gives a good "in the middle of nowhere" effect!
Hope you like them, comment if you have any questions, advice or nice things to say!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Now I've got some pictures on!!

I got my first 5 pictures on today. These are just a few of my starter ones, i have got more but I didn't want to bombard the whole page with all my pictures. Also, not all of them are that good, so I just put on a few of my favourite.
1: Green Bug. This is a very old photo, I took whilst in school. I have always loved it, but I wish i could just get more focused on the bug, withouth losing the rest of the picture. If you know how, please help!!
2: Rose Petal. Although this isn't an amazing photo, I do love my rose, because I only get one every year on my bush outside my kitchen and I love looking at it whilst wasking up and listening to music!!
3: Water Leaf. This, I think, is my favourite photo of them all. Due to the rain, the droplets have landed lovely on the leaf and when I took the photo I was hoping for the exact effect that I got!
4: Water Plant. This is also a good rain picture, because, again, the droplets have made a lovely effect on the plant. i like it because it isn't just one leaf, it is part of a plant, which is nice.
5: Good Luck. This is a lovely photo and the way there is only one drop of water  on the clover, is spectacular. I can't remember actually taking this photo, so when I came accross it in my folders, I was surprised at my work. It is beautiful!!
Please comment if you like any of my photo's and also if you don't like them and why. I love to get constructive critisim, so I can make my work better!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

First Ever Blog!!

So, my first ever's pretty cool!! I've decided to blog, because I've started a new project recently and I wanted somewhere to talk about it. My project is phototgraphy and I have taken pictures of nature and scenes, but I want to start taking pictures of people/models. I have looked at a few good video's on youtube to get me started on how to place models and what looks best etc. I want to mix nature and people together to give it a feel of natural living sort of thing!
I will be putting my best photo's on and maybe some of my worst, just to learn from my mistakes! I am really looking forward to doing this, so please comment if you like or if you don't like and why!
Thank you very much,